Sequoyah German Shepherds

 Take a look at the page below to see some orphans that need a loving home!
updated 6/1/14
It has been a
while since I updated this page but I will try to do better this
year. ;-) This picture is of one of the Hollywood/Savage
puppies from their litter born in February.

Thanks to
Mike Stogsdill, Mark Boggs, and Charlie for working ours dogs - You
guys are awesome!
Check out the slide show below...

Congratulations to Dennis Trzcinski!
and Moira competed for their first SDA
titles. They achieved their FO and
Protection Dog 1 title in Oroville,
California this weekend successfully and
IN TRIAL - Protection

as well!
Way to go guys!
to Shari Steven & Tom Cawood!
Tom and Connie took high protection and
Shari and Cora took high obedience at this
past weekend Tennessee Valley Working Dog
trial in Kimball, TN
IN TRIAL: Cora - Obedience & Connie -

Congratulations to
Shari Steven!
and Cora successfully competed for their BH title
at the Southeastern Regionals in
Blaine, TN this weekend. Way to Go!

Also, she placed a BH title on Cody as well
(Ryker and Nelly son)

Congratulations to Tom Cawood!
and Connie competed for their PD1 title in
Ocala, FL this weekend successfully and

as well!
Way to go!
3/18/11 -
Congratulations to
Shari & Cora on their FO and P1 title - Also,
Congratulations to
Tom Cawood & Connie on Their PD1 title
Also, we want to extend
congratulations to Pam Spurgeon with her dog Cody (a Ryker/Nelly son)
who got his FO title this weekend with Shari.
3/12/11 -
Congratulations to
Shari Steven!
and Cora successfully competed for their BH title
at the Southeastern Regionals in
Blaine, TN this weekend Way to Go!

Also, she placed a BH title on Cody as well
(Ryker and Nelly son)
Congratulations to Tom Cawood!
and Connie competed for their PD1 title in
Ocala, FL this weekend successfully and

as well!
Way to go guys!
7/30/10 - 8/1/10
Congratulations to
Shari and Bonnie -
They won their P3 title in
Athens TN at the SDA
Competition on 7/30/10

Congratulations to
He and
Connie won their FO title in Athens TN at the SDA
Competition on 7/3010 |
He and
Ghirra received a P1 Title the same day. |
Congratulations to
Sherle and Vidar -
They won their
FO and the PA title in Athens TN at the SDA
Competition on 7/31/10

4/30/10 - 5/1/10
Congratulations to
Shari and Uny - they won their P3 title in California at the SDA
Competition at TrueHaus Kennels - 5/1/2010:
win for Uny makes her the very first female to ever hold the elusive SDA
P3 title. She and Shari trained very hard for this and we are very
proud of them. Way to Go!!
Congratulations to
Marah and Bonnie on their Family Obedience title - 2/27/10:
was Marah very FIRST competition - AND SHE DID GREAT!
Marah handled Bonnie in a Family Obedience title - She knew the routine
better than even some of the adults! She received a trophy for the
Junior Division, a competition medal for the Family Obedience class, and
believe it or not, she handled Bonnie is the Hard Hitting competition
and took first place! Way to go, Marah! She brought home
more medals than the rest of us combined!
Marah tells us that she is going to compete again at our May trial - I
don't think we have heard the last from this girl!

Congratulations to
Shari and Rayna on their Family Obedience title - 2/27/10:

Congratulations to
Sherle (me) and Savage on their Family Obedience title - 2/27/10:
the truth be known, the congratulations should go to Shari and Savage.
Shari did most of her training in the last few weeks, fine tuning her
for trial. I tried to convince to to trial her but she flat
refused! Shari likes the training but I guess she prefers someone
else to get the glory! She tells me that our new plan is for her
to train and me to trial - she absolutely hates trialing.
Apparently it makes her a little nervous .... ME TOO!

We have
another Trial This Coming Weekend!
(4/18th/09 - 4/19th/09):
SDA Chattanooga Club is holding a Spring Trial this coming weekend. Judge
has been temporarily placed in "retirement" (against his will for sure)
and Ryker is being brought up as the next up and coming competition dog.
Now it's his turn to show his stuff! Ryker is competing for his
Family Obedience title at this trial.
Uny will also be competing for
her next title - the P2! This title takes a great deal of training
and dedication. It involves obedience, retrievals, agility, blind
searches, protection, apprehension, etc. Shari and Uny have
been training hard to try to get Uny's next title in before her next
heat cycle. Stay tuned for the results!
will be trialing 2 of the dogs - Turbo and Ghirra. Turbo will be
competing for his P1 title and Ghirra will be competing for her Family
Obedience title (and possibly her Protection Alert). She has come
a long way since Tom has begun her training. She is still wired
for sound but she is able to control it better for sure! Stay tuned
for the outcome of the SDA Chattanooga Spring Trial!
Birth Announcement!
Raven's Current Litter
page for more Pictures!
Raven had puppies! We have 6 little fat youngsters. There
were 6 girls and not 1 single boy! Colors are as follows:
4 Sable Females
2 Dark Black/Tan Female

are back from the SDA Athens Trial(11/2/08)
are back from the Fall SDA Athens trial! Judge, Uny,
Tigress, and Bonnie
all went and did great!
got his Police Dog 1 Protection title and his PD2 obedience title.
got her Protection Dog 1 title (P1) in both obedience and protection.
got not only her P1, but also her PD1 title in protection and
not to be out-done by Uny, also got her P1 and PD1 titles!
Congratulations are
in order!
Guess what!? Shari just obtained CGC titles (Canine Good
Citizen Titles) on both Uny and Bonnie today! Way to go, Gals!

Birth Announcement!
Ghirra had puppies! We have 6 little fat youngsters. There
were 5 girls and 1 little boy! Colors are as follows:
2 Sable Females
3 Black Females
1 Black Male

More Pictures coming soon!
Congratulations to
Shari Steven on her First Trial! (8/2/08)
successfully competed for Family obedience titles on Kiah and Bonnie
at the Athens, TN trial on August 1st and 2nd. She has done
every bit of Kiah's training every step of the way and has only
recently begun working with Bonnie. Shari began dog training
only this year is a pretty quick learner herself! Way to Go,

We are Back from the
UKC Premier!
are back from the UKC Premier! Judge, Uny, Vendetta and Turbo
all went and did great!
1st place
on Friday, 6/13/08, in his Protection 1 competition. |
1st place
on Friday in Family Obedience in her very FIRST Trial.
1st place
out of 28 dogs on Saturday in Family Obedience!
also got his 1st Police Dog 1 obedience title!
On Saturday,
2nd place
in her Protection Alert competition! |
Heading off to
another Trial!
15th Annual

Well, we have
another trial coming up this week. Judge, Uny, Vendetta and Turbo
will all be heading to Kalamazoo, MI for the UKC Premier on
June 13th - 15th
of this year. Last year Raven got a chance to compete and she came
back with her Family Obedience title. Now it's their turn!
Judge will be competing for a better score on his Protection Dog 1 title
(he already won this title last month but is going for a chance to
improve his scores) and he is also going after his first Police Dog
title. Uny will also be competing for both her P1 title and her
first Police Dog title. Vendetta will be going after her Family
Obedience title and has just turned 1 year old (5 days ago as a matter
of fact). She is now old enough to compete for her Protection
Alert title as well. Turbo turned 1 year in March and is not quite
old enough to compete for his P1 protection but may go after his P1
obedience title. (He has already achieved both his Family
Obedience title as well as his Protection Alert title.) Stay tuned
for the outcome of the UKC Premier!
Latest updates
News from the
Athens/Chattanooga SDA Trial--Sequoyah Shepherds wants to say thanks to
Tom Cawood and Chris Smith for their hard work in getting our dogs ready
for trial and competing for our latest titles.
Cawood did a wonderful job training and preparing Uny for her May 3rd
competition. They successfully competed for both a Family
Obedience title as well as her Protection Alert title. Way to go!
Tom also competed with his dog Turbo (Raven/Logan pup out of January,
2007 litter) and took second place with him in the Family Obedience
Smith competed quite successfully in his very first SDA Trial with our
very own Tigress. He has done a superb job with her training and
also won both a Family Obedience title and a Protection Alert title.
We are extremely proud of both of them.
Judge and I competed for our very first P1 (Protection Dog 1) title.
I am proud to announce that Judge now holds that title with honor.
Tom, Chris, and I
are now looking forward to our trip to the UKC Premier this year (June)
where we will all be competing again for our next titles. I will
update you on that trial as soon as we get back!
New Titles - 1st
Titles of 2008: March 9, 2008
We are pleased to
announce that 3 of our dogs just earned their AKC Canine Good Citizen
titles. Congratulations to --
Hurray, November 8,
Raven had her
litter of puppies! She started having puppies last night
(Wednesday, November 7th) at 9:56 p.m. She finished with the last
puppy on Thursday morning at 5:06 a.m. Boy, was she tired.
She had 10 little healthy, squirmy, youngsters! The boys in this
litter sure are going to be tough though....They have

Guess What!!
Judge just
returned from the 2007 Athens Service Dogs of America trial where he
received his first competition titles. He received both a Family
Obedience Title as well as a Protection Alert Title. Not only
that, he placed SECOND in the 3 day event for his Family Obedience.
AND, he placed SECOND in event for his Protection Alert. Pretty
good for our Young Expecting Father! His first sired litter will
be here in November. Watch for Photos!

P.S. Don't let the photos scare you -- Judge is a love bug.
The man in the photo on the right is the same guy that is in the photo
in the middle!
In the News....
"Divine Canine" founding monk dies
July 2, 2007 -- From Chicago Tribune
Laurence Mancuso: 1934 - 2007, Founded dog-breeding
Rev. Laurence Mancuso, the founding abbot of The Monks of New
Skete, whose hilltop monastery in upstate New York is renowned
for breeding German shepherds and teaching a holistic approach
to dog training, has died in Framingham, Mass. He was 72.
Rev. Mancuso, who retired in 2000, died June 10 of
complications from injuries suffered in a fall, said Brother
Stavros Winner, one of the six monks who, in 1966, helped Rev.
Mancuso revive a small farm in a valley outside Cambridge, N.Y.,
50 miles north of Albany.
At the time the monastery was founded, the monks were members
of the Roman Catholic Church but later joined the Orthodox
Church in America.
In 1969, a kennel in Morristown, N.J., donated a German
shepherd to the monastery. But one winter night, the dog ran
away. The monks had become so attached to the dog, Winner said,
that they soon replaced it with two others, then began breeding
With Rev. Mancuso's approval, the brothers studied veterinary
medicine, animal nutrition and breeding. The monastery's pack of
German shepherds continued to grow, with one dog at a time
assigned to each monk for training.
Largely through word of mouth, but also because of newspaper
articles, New Skete German shepherds became so popular that by
1998, buyers were willing to put their names on a two-year
waiting list to pay $1,000 for a pup. Other people paid $800 to
have their own frisky pets trained by the order.
The monks wrote two books and are featured on a television
"Divine Canine," on the Animal Planet cable channel.
Among the monks' dog-training tenets: Cuddle and massage a
pet as much as possible from the time it is born, and even sleep
with it. |